Quarantine, the word quarantine is derived from Italian quaranta, meaning Forty, because originally ships and their passengers coming from a port where smallpox or their infectious diseases prevaild were detailied for a period of forty days.Today the word in general means the isolation of a person or an animal /sick with a contagious disease, or it also refers to a place where the sick are detained a way from other animals until the danger of spread of a contagious disease has disappeared. In its wider application, the quarantine may be enforced against an individual animal, against all the animals, or all animals of the same species in a township, country or state and against those in a foreign country.
Legal quarantine:
are legal provisions for the enforcement of a quarantine usually by the sheriff
and occasionally aided by the militia ,though in regard to animals original
authority in a country has been placed in the hands of the Veterinarian ,or for
interstate or foreign quarantines. Livestock owners on their own initiative
very frequently place in quarantine an individual animal or group of
their animals for the purpose of controlling the spread of a contagious disease
. They do this especially when their herds and flocks are already free from
disease and they desire to add to them by a acquisition of new animals .These
new animals are kept in isolation for so long as ninety days in extreme
instances, or until persons concerned
are satisfied after a conference with their Veterinarian that there is no
longer any danger of contaminating their original animals with a contagious
The principles governing an effective
quarantine are similar in general for individuals or for groups of animals.There must be no direct or indirect contact between the animals in quarantine
and those not so restrained .It had its variations depending upon contagious of
a disease or upon the volatility of its causative factor .For example ,many parasitic disease
of the skin ,including ̏Mange ̋ ,are not nearly so easily spread as is ̏ hog
cholera̋ . Aquarantine does mean that animal affected with any one of the very
large numbers of contagious disease must be kept sergregated in a separate barn
or yard away from other animals.
Theoretically the quarantined animals should have separate attendants ,their
own drinking vessels and other utensils as well as the usual barn equipment .If
a separate attendant is not available , then the common attendant should take
care of the sick group last and when he is through with them he must clean
his footware by thoroughly rubbing them
on a mat saturated with a disinfectant ,as well as washing his hands .Soap in
warm water is a mechanical remover of infection and in a limited manner is an
antiseptic .In very highly volatile diseases ,such as foot and mouth disease of
cattle ,fumigation of clothing or protection of the usual clothing by wearing
of rubber outer garments may be necessary.
Cleaning premises must precede all other steps to again make them safe for animal occupation after an outbreak of a contagious disease .It is spoken of as disinfecting the premises .It includes the removed of all litter and refuse ,and then disinfection .The latter implies the destruction of all disease –producing germ ; in a broader sense it may also include the destruction of parasitic factors .However it must be emphasized that many animal disease are contracted because of close contact between thee ailing and the well animal or stated another way the premises may be no more than of secondary importance in a matter of this nature .
Disinfection of premises will make animal quarters reasonably sanitary ,but the value of such a step is limited strictly to an attempt to preventing the premises from spreading disease ,and does not in any way control the disease due to the presence of the sub chronically infected animal or ̋carriers̏ in group.
On the other hand infected animals do contaminate premises with disease – producing factors that are in their urine, manure , and occasionally in their secretions and exhalations .Since the number and vigorot germs Is the greatest in the immediate area and vicinity occupied by the ailing animal therefor disinfection should be concentrated in such places.
The suggested steps premises disinfection are a Follows:
1-Since organic material such as manure and the usual
animal habitation refuse protect germs and limits the action of disinfectants
therefore such material must be removed .
, moisten with water or a disinfectant so as to control dust and air – borne
infections .This moistening should include all woodwork , and is to be followed
by litter removal from night barns , night lots , feed sheds , small pastures
and yards , and Fences , especially those of wood construction , and around hay
and feed racks even though they have not been in use for some time. The walls
and ceilings and other woodwork in barns and sheds must be thoroughly brushed
or broom swept to remove cobwebs old scaled whitwash , and other objectionable
material .
burnable material removed by these steps is to be so destroyed , and the
remainder may be spread out on arable land at some distance away , so that it
will be fully exposed to the sun’s action .Old sacks may later be disinfected .
building have dirt floors , at least three inches of his is to be removed ,
then applying a disinfectant to the exposed surface , and finally covering it
with clean material such as fresh dirt , sand , gravel , or cinders.
2-If there is pools of water on the premises , these are
either to be drained , or fenced off s that they will not be accessible to
3-All feed in managers and feed boxes in the
rooms that are to be disinfected is to be removed and burned , or it may be fed
to livestock not susceptible to the disease against which the disinfection is
being applied.
4-If water under pressure is available , it is an
excellent plan to hose of everything that has previously had litter and other
material removed from it .To follow this by a through scrubbing with scalding
hot water t which some lye has been added will dissolve off good deal of the
dirt , and besides , the hot water will kill worm eggs and the lye will destroy
many types of germs .Use one pound of lye to 20 gallons of water .
5-Water troughs and feeding boxes and racks should be
scrubbed with the lye solution in rediness for effective treatment with a
disinfectant solution .Since there is a valid objection to the use of odorous
disinfectants in the treatment of many utensils those constructed of metal may
be satisfactorily handled by cleaning with hot water and soap , and then
6-The application of the disinfectant solution is best done by means of spray pump , so as to force it in all cracks and crevices in the woodwork.Applying it with a broom is of some whitewash (this must be fresh water – slaked lime) to the disinfectant solution is of value as it can then better be seen where the material has been applied .Blankets , robes , harness and other loose paraphernalia may be disinfected by immersing them for at least several hours in the disinfectant.
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